- Handling Protocols and Value Chain Analysis for Fresh Chilled/ Frozen Penaid Shrimp, UPV-DOST-PCAMRD Project under the Shrimp Program, June 2011- May 2012 (On-going)
- Natural Antioxidant Functionality in During Processing of Low Salt-Fermented Shrimp Paste,UPV In-House Special Project (November 2010- November 2011)(On-going, Project Leader)
- PAHs Level Monitoring in Bivalves and its Marine Environment from Oil-spill Affected Areas in Guimaras, Oil Spill Response Program, UP Visayas ( February 2011-January 2013)(On-going, Project Leader)
- Project Leader, Relationship Between Antioxidant Activity and Browning, as Index of Maillard Reaction Products (MRPs), in Philippine Fish Sauce, UPV-In-House Special Project (December 2007 – April 2010)
- Study Leader, Impact of Oil Sill-Affected Marine Environment on the Food Safety and Quality of Aquatic Organisms, UPV-DOST-PCARMMD Project (August 2007 – July 2009)
- Collaborating Scientist, Evaluation of Production Technology, Product Quality and Market Potential for the Development of Bivalve Mollusc Aquaculture in the Philippines UPV- ACIAR Project (June 2007- Dec 2008)
- Co- Proponent, Evaluation of Production Technology, Product Quality and Market Potential in the Mariculture of Oysters and Mussels, UPV-In-House Special Project (February 2007 – December 2008)
- Researcher, Effect of Prolonged Fermentation on the Natural Antioxidants in Shrimp Paste” UPV-NIMMB Special Project, Miag-ao, Iloilo (Nov 2004-Feb 2006)
- Researcher, “Process Modifications in the Production Smoked De-boned Milkfish and Its Safety Concerns” UPV-IFPT Special Project (Dec 2004-Nov 2006)
- Project Leader, Development of Quality Criteria and Process Standards for Cured and Fermented Fish and Fishery Products DA-BAR AFMA (May 2000-Nov 2005)
- Researcher, Effect of Vacuum Packaging on the Storage Stability of Smoked Boneless Bangus Stored at Refrigerated Temperature” UPV Research Fund (Aug1997-Dec 1998)
Scientific/Technical Publications
- Ernestina M. Peralta and Grace Palmos 2009. Microbiological and sensory evaluation of smoked de-boned milkfish without pre-cooking. UPV J Nat Sci 14(2); 92-98.
- Peter F. Duncan, Merlina N. Andalecio, Ernestina Peralta, Liberator Laureta, Aklani Rose Hidalgo and Ruby Napata 2009 Evaluation of production technology, product quality and market potential for the development of bivalve mollusc aquaculture in the Philippines ACIAR ISBN: 978 1 921615 41 2
- Ernestina M. Peralta 2008 Antioxidant activity and sensory quality of Philippine shrimp paste during fermentation UPV J Nat Sci 13:35-43
- Ernestina M.Peralta, Hideo Hatate, Daisuke Kawabe, Rui Kuwahara, Shinji Wkamatsu, Tamami Yukiand Hisashi Murata 2008. Improving antioxidant activity and nutrional components of Philippine Salt-fermented shrimp paste through prolonged fermentation. Food Chemistry 111; 72-79.
- Peralta,E., Hatate, H., Kawabe, D., Shimoda, E., Wakamatsu, S., Yuki, T and Murate, H. 2007 Changes in antioxidant activities and components of salt-fermented shrimp paste at prolong fermentation. UPV J of Nat Sci Vol 12(1).
- Hideo Hatate, Ernestina M. Peralta, Hisashi Murata, Yoichiro Hama, Ryusuke Tanaka, and Yasuo Hatate. Antioxidant activity and nutritional components in Philippine salt-ferment shrimp paste and their variation with prolonged fermentation (Abstract). A Proceeding of 2006 Japan/Taiwan/ Korea Chemical Engineering Conference: Fundamentals and Applications, Kagoshima University, Kagoshima Japan November 17-19,2006
- Ernestina M. Peralta, Hideo Hatate, Daisuke Watanabe, Daisuke Kawabe, Hisashi Murata, Yoichiro Hama, and Ryusuke Tanaka 2005. “Antioxidative Activity of Philippine Salt-Fermented Shrimp and Variation of its Constituents during Fermentation”, Journal of Oleo Science 54 (10); 553-558.
- Peralta, E. M. and M. Olympia. 2005 Quality changes in vacuum packed smoked de-boned milkfish stored at refrigerated temperature. J of Nat Sci 10; 233-240.
- Peralta, E.M. 1998 “Ang Pagtitinapa ng Isda”, In Batayang Proseso sa Produksiyon ng Isda (J. Peralta & A Hidalgo, eds), Sentro ng Wikang Filipino, ISBN 971878164-1.
Conventions/Conferences/Seminars/Workshops Attended
Research Papers
- Relationship between antioxidant activity and browning, as index of Maillard Reaction Products (MRPs) in Philippine fish sauce” UPV In-house Research Review UPV Umali Hall, Oct 5-6,2010.
- Process modification in the production of Smoked De-boned Milkfish and its safety concerns.
- Effects of Prolonged Fermentation on the Natural Antioxidants in Salt-Fermented Shrimp Paste” UPV In-House research Review, UPV Miag-ao Iloilo 28-29 November 2007.
- Antioxidative activities and nutritional components of Philippine salt-fermented shrimp paste and its variation during prolong fermentation” Seminar on the management of inshore environment and utilization of fisheries resources, JSPS-UPV CUP, Kagoshima University Kagoshima Japan 16-18 November 2007.
- Histamine in Deboned Milkfish’, 2006 National Fisheries Research Symposium: Towards Best Practices in Fisheries, CFOS-UPV Iloilo City 23-24 October 2006.
- Histamine in Deboned Milkfish” Kapihan sa IFPT, IFPT-CFOS UPV Miag-ao Iloilo 16 October 2006.
- Changes in Antioxidative Activity and Components of Salt-Fermented Shrimp Paste at Prolong Fermentation” International Forum on Coastal Environment and Utilization of Fisheries Resources, JSPS-UPV Iloilo City 13-14 September 2006.
- Quality changes of vacuum packaged smoked deboned milkfish stored at refrigerated temperature” JBLCF-Bacolod Research Colloquium, Bacolod City 30 May 2006.
- Changes in Microbial Flora of Vacuum-Packed Deboned Milkfish” PSM-Visayas Chapter Annual Meeting and Regional Scientific Convention, University of San Carlos, Cebu City 8-9 December 2005.
- Changes in Microbial Flora of Vacuum-Packaged Smoked Deboned Milkfish” 1st Graduate Research Conference, UPV Iloilo City 24 September 2005.
- Relationship of Antioxidant activity and browning, as index of Maillard reaction products (MRPs), in Philippine fish sauce”, 15th Visayas Zonal Netweork R&D symposium and Roadmapping, Cebu City November 22-24,2010.
- “Effects of prolonged fermentation on the natural antioxidants in shrimp paste”, 10th Foundation year Anniversary of UPV-NIMMB, UPV Miag-ao Iloilo, November 24-28,2008.
- “Impact of Oil-Spill Affected Marine Environment on the Food Safety and Quality of Aquatic Organisms, 2nd National Conference on the Solar I Oil Spill : Two years after…where are we now? UPV Iloilo City, November 27-28,2008.
- “Effect of Prolonged Fermentation on the Natural Antioxidants in Shrimp (Acetes sp) paste” and “Development of Quality Standards and Process Standards for Cured and Fermented Fishery Products” , 63rd Foundation Anniversary and Grand CFOS Alumni Homecoming , UPV Miag-ao Iloilo 26 July 2007.
- Antioxidant Activity and Nutritional Components of Philippine Salt-Fermented Shrimp Paste’ , International Forum on Coastal Environment and Utilization of Fisheries Resources, JSPS-UPV Iloilo City 13-14 September 2006.
- Histamine Development in Deboned Milkfish Stored at Ambient Temperature”, 59th Anniversary Celebration of the UPV Presence in Iloilo, UPV Iloilo city 27 July 2006
- “Effect of Prolonged Fermentation on the Natural Antioxidants in Shrimp (Acetes sp) paste” 59th Anniversary Celebration of the UPV Presence in Iloilo, UPV Iloilo city 27 July 2006.
- “Development of Quality Standards and Process Standards for Cured and Fermented Fishery Products, 59th Anniversary Celebration of the UPV Presence in Iloilo, UPV Iloilo city 27 July 2006.
Awards/Honors Received
- Chancellor’s Award for Outstanding Performance (REPS) University of the Philippines Visayas, Iloilo 29 July 2009.